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Better Rest.

I was able to sleep on my side this morning! Yay!

I'm a belly sleeper by nature. So this whole sleeping on my back thing has been killer. I woke up around 8 this morning. My hubby was sound asleep with his back to me. Oh! I wonder if I can roll over? It takes me about 15 minutes, but I make it on my side. Ahhhh! That feels so good.  I had to prop myself up against Joe, but he didn't seem to mind. I got another 4 hours of good sleep, which was heavenly since I was still awake around 3am trying to get comfortable. 

I wonder how many more days of this I have left. It's been just over 48 hours since I was banded. I hope the healing is over soon. At least the "omg that hurts so bad!" part of it.  


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