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Sorry for the lack of posts. We've had internet issues this past week. It went out 3 times in less than a week! They finally sent a tech out to fix it today and I'm back up and running. Apparently our dog (that we found a new home for about a month ago), who was a lab I loving called Marley but his name was Parker, chewed out phone lines. And when a big storm came through last week that was the end of our connection. Oh well, fixed now!

I'm doing well, healing well. Had my post op appointment yesterday. I still have some pain when I lift and when I get tired, but mostly I'm good. I've lost a few more pounds, which my doctor was glad to see. He said that he doesn't expect us to lose anything the first six weeks as we heal, so I'm doing fantastic. He checked my incisions, which was ok until he went to poking on my port. OUCH! He mashed and moved it around a bit, making sure it was still in position. It was, so all is good. I go for my first fill in four weeks.

I did have an issue with my sinus drainage this morning. I had just eaten breakfast, and my throat felt thick with drainage mucus. Next thing I knew I gagged and up came the mucus. Not the breakfast, just the mucus. I thought it was odd. I'm glad the food stayed though! Hope that didn't scare any of you not yet banded people!


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