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Hello Fellow Bloggers!

So sorry for the length of time between posts. This week has been a very lazy week. I've been so tired. I'm still sore from the surgery. I didn't think I would still be sore, but it's still there. I've had to pick Hannah up a few times and it's been very obvious I'm still healing (ouchy!). I have to call tomorrow to set up my post-op appointment. I'm ready for that. I'm very ready for the pain to be gone so I can start an exercise routine. I walk now, but I get so tired. Worse than normally. Walking wasn't an issue before, but now I'm just worn out.

Among the good news: I've lost another pound! Yay, me! I have had days when I really wonder if this is all worth it. When I see a lower number on the scale, it reminds me that this surgery is absolutely worth it!
I'm also getting a new pool liner soon. The pool man will be coming next week to measure and get my selection of liners so he can order it. This is the first year we haven't used the pool since we moved into our house and I have dearly missed it. We didn't see the point in opening it, just to drain it out, have the liner replaced, and then refill and open it. We still have a few good months of hot, swimming weather, and I'm very excited. Hopefully I can add swimming laps to my exercise list.

And among the bad news. We found out a few days ago that my mother in law has liver cancer. She says they caught it early and has a good prognosis. But I know liver cancer is very, very serious. My step dad just passed away last month from throat cancer, so this is hard to take. My mother in law and I aren't as close as we used to be, but she's still Joe's mother. She's already done a round of chemo and hopefully she can go into remission.


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