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24 Hours Post-Op

Just over 24 hour post op. Surgery went well, no complications at all. I had to stay longer than I was expecting, just because the nurses decided I was staying. I finally had to have my nurse call my doctor and was released around 7:30pm. The ride home seemed to take forever. Every little bump felt like an earthquake rattling every inch of me. But I made it.

I'm on a clear liquid diet for the next few days. It hasn't been so bad. Lots of vitamin water, soup broth, ext. I'm not very hungry, and it takes me a little bit to realize I'm hungry. Between the pain and the gas, the hunger is hard to feel. The gas is pretty bad, but the Gas-X does help. The didn't give a lot of pain medication in my prescription, so I've been taking half doses to try to make it last a little longer. Hopefully I won't need it much longer. 

I did gain 4 lbs during the surgery. I'm sure from all the fluid and gas/bloating. But it was sure discouraging to get on the scales and see a gain!

I know this will be worth it.


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